Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Photography of Brighton

These are pictures I took whilst on a trip to Brighton with my college, it was enjoyable, everything except the cold, even though it was sunny, sort of.
This photo I thought wouldn't do much for my designs
but it just so happened to be the one I needed, making
that design though was annoying enough, trying to pay
attention to detail.

This one made my family laugh when I developed it into a
design, I said that seagulls are the best advertisers out there.

This is the kind of photographs i want to take,
although not just seagulls, all sorts of wildlife. 

This was using a spare lens that Nadia kindly lent me, I was able to
get a real close up shot of the clock at Brighton train station.

This is the one I was able to take with my lens, it's rubbish compared
to the one above.

This is rather under exposed, although it was a cloudy day, you could
still see the sun shinning through, warming us all. To improve this photo,
which I have in one of my designs, I would only have to click the layer,
and change the levels, but dragging the shadow pin to where the infomation
starts, not the highlight pin.

I got two shots of this, but the other one was slightly blurry as my friend
backed into me by mistake. But I knew I had to get a pic of this because
I just knew it would be the perfect addition to one of my designs.


This is a part of graffiti off the streets of Brighton, we weren't
allowed to take pictures of the whole thing otherwise that would
be stealing. I like the colours used in this harmoniuos and contrasting.
it uses curves and lines which I find cool, but find difficult to do

There wasn't one person who didn't like this,
it's humerous and modern to make a joke out
of the smurfs. Although it may not send the
appropraite message out to young people. 

No one can go to Brighton and not put a picture of the Pavillion
on their blog. I couldn't get a full photo of the Pavillion, there were
far too many people walking around, but this is one of my favourites.

If we had time, I might have gone on this wheel,
although it is a bit expensive. I didn't have enough
money on me either.

I truely loved the trip, it was really enjoyable, in the museum we saw some wacky but interresting things, the wackiest/creepiest exhibit was the two siemesse cats, not the sarcophagus', not the creepy bug thing, or the strange long head thing, although I think that might have been one of the high priests or one of the Pharaohs, but those cats. Although Sophie, Julietta, Anja, and me left Brighton early, I felt possitive that I had got evrything I needed.

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