Tuesday, 26 February 2013

ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture

The brightness of a photo is more commonly known to photographers as the exposure. This is controled by 3 camera settings which are Shutter Speed, ISO, and Aperture, this is commonly put into a triangle. This is an essential technique to learnt if you want any chance to be a master in Photograpghy.

Shutter Speed
This is showing the shutter speed. The smaller the hole is a smaller fraction, which lets less light in. Whereas a bigger hole is a bigger fraction and lets more light in.

100 ISO                                                                                      3200 ISO
This presents the difference's between two ISO settings, the higher the ISO the more sensitive it will be to light and more grain will appear and vice versa.

lens aperture settings

A camera's aperture setting controls the area over which light can pass through your camera lens. It is specified in terms an f-stop value, which can at times be counterintuitive, because the area of the opening increases as the f-stop decreases. In photographer slang, when someone says they are "stopping down" or "opening up" their lens, they are referring to increasing and decreasing the f-stop value, respectively.

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