Tuesday, 26 February 2013

ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture

The brightness of a photo is more commonly known to photographers as the exposure. This is controled by 3 camera settings which are Shutter Speed, ISO, and Aperture, this is commonly put into a triangle. This is an essential technique to learnt if you want any chance to be a master in Photograpghy.

Shutter Speed
This is showing the shutter speed. The smaller the hole is a smaller fraction, which lets less light in. Whereas a bigger hole is a bigger fraction and lets more light in.

100 ISO                                                                                      3200 ISO
This presents the difference's between two ISO settings, the higher the ISO the more sensitive it will be to light and more grain will appear and vice versa.

lens aperture settings

A camera's aperture setting controls the area over which light can pass through your camera lens. It is specified in terms an f-stop value, which can at times be counterintuitive, because the area of the opening increases as the f-stop decreases. In photographer slang, when someone says they are "stopping down" or "opening up" their lens, they are referring to increasing and decreasing the f-stop value, respectively.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

3D Photos

I attempted to create a 3D effect picture, only one of mine succeded. The way to make these types of illusions, is to take a photo, then get a ruler and move the camera 6.5cm without changing the angle, it is as hard as it sounds.

3-Dimensional illusion is actually used every second of every minute of every year...you get the picture, literally. If you close either of your eyes at a time, the world becomes 2D, this also means you lose Depth perseption. Keep either eye closed and test this statement and prove it to yourself, by trying to put both index fingers together first time without missing. Some people get lucky and get it first time, but then switch to the other eye and do the experiment again, and keep switching eyes. Each eye sees a 2D image but our brains being exceptionally well designed, it merges them together to form a 3D image which gives us depth.

Left hand side one

Right hand side one

This is the final product of my best 3D photos. Now to see this in 3D you will have to use the old red and blue glasses.
I edited the two top photos by taking the red channel out of the right hand side image that is placed on top of the left, I then had to line the pictures up.

This lesson was fun, something I enjoyed and understood, that's why I loved it so much, the fact that I can remember most of the theory and enjoyed learning about it surprised me. This is also because the infomation interrested me. I was also extra happy because Chris made the lesson a little bit of a competion, and being competitive I was all up for the challenge. The task was to make the most 3D effect picture, Nadia and Lucy came first, I came second, and Seb came third. There was a little bit of chocolate involed, so that also motivated us.
Health and Safety
This was a little dangerous, because I was lying down whilst taking the photo, but I made sure I was well clear of the door, and out of the way of anyone walking around, in case they tripped.

View Point, Crop and Angle

These are photos of which I took in class with Chris:

This is an example of perspective or view point.
This photo could have used more light, do solve this I would either have
to change the levels, or I could have decreased the shutter speed when
taking it.

This is my best crop photo, it's part of the subway logo.

This is my best angle photo, of a costa takeaway cup, just outside
coasters. The lighting is just right.

This lesson was a little boring, because there wasn't much we could make interresting photos of, but seeing as we weren't allowed off the campus, we didn't have a choice. Then again it was getting slightly dark.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Photography of Brighton

These are pictures I took whilst on a trip to Brighton with my college, it was enjoyable, everything except the cold, even though it was sunny, sort of.
This photo I thought wouldn't do much for my designs
but it just so happened to be the one I needed, making
that design though was annoying enough, trying to pay
attention to detail.

This one made my family laugh when I developed it into a
design, I said that seagulls are the best advertisers out there.

This is the kind of photographs i want to take,
although not just seagulls, all sorts of wildlife. 

This was using a spare lens that Nadia kindly lent me, I was able to
get a real close up shot of the clock at Brighton train station.

This is the one I was able to take with my lens, it's rubbish compared
to the one above.

This is rather under exposed, although it was a cloudy day, you could
still see the sun shinning through, warming us all. To improve this photo,
which I have in one of my designs, I would only have to click the layer,
and change the levels, but dragging the shadow pin to where the infomation
starts, not the highlight pin.

I got two shots of this, but the other one was slightly blurry as my friend
backed into me by mistake. But I knew I had to get a pic of this because
I just knew it would be the perfect addition to one of my designs.


This is a part of graffiti off the streets of Brighton, we weren't
allowed to take pictures of the whole thing otherwise that would
be stealing. I like the colours used in this harmoniuos and contrasting.
it uses curves and lines which I find cool, but find difficult to do

There wasn't one person who didn't like this,
it's humerous and modern to make a joke out
of the smurfs. Although it may not send the
appropraite message out to young people. 

No one can go to Brighton and not put a picture of the Pavillion
on their blog. I couldn't get a full photo of the Pavillion, there were
far too many people walking around, but this is one of my favourites.

If we had time, I might have gone on this wheel,
although it is a bit expensive. I didn't have enough
money on me either.

I truely loved the trip, it was really enjoyable, in the museum we saw some wacky but interresting things, the wackiest/creepiest exhibit was the two siemesse cats, not the sarcophagus', not the creepy bug thing, or the strange long head thing, although I think that might have been one of the high priests or one of the Pharaohs, but those cats. Although Sophie, Julietta, Anja, and me left Brighton early, I felt possitive that I had got evrything I needed.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Using a Portable Flash

It's quite easy when you know how. Here are some photos that me and some friends of mine took:

This didn't save properly on the SD card
but the lighting was with a green gel over it, we
used greeen with this pose because
it can be a happy colour, but in this photo
it didn't favour that idea - it looks
quite sickly.

This photo is alright, I still think we should have concerntrated more on the getting more ambiant light in.
The photo looks like this poor girl is frozen in time, and the blue tint adds to that, giving it a cold as ice sort of frozen.

I must say Sophie could have struck a better pose for this, facial expression is
valued so much in any photo, and in this one her expression is the wrong one,
she is trying to look evil and horrible but if she is smiling like she is, it throws over
the concept. This image would be improved by making the appropriate expression.

This is a really good photo, although Sophie looks like she is shocked about something she also looks like she's seeing something nauseating, the green gel helps this feature as well, with the black, mysterious background, it looks like she's discovered a body or something really shocking. 



This is an alright photo, it looks like one
of those images where the good superhero
is in the dark trying to defeat the evil

This image truely freaks me out, and
really looks and has that cold, evil, harsh
feel to it. If i kept the ambiant light down, I
think Seb would look really evil.

This looks creepy - wierd creepy- if the ambiant light was a little darker
then it would look the right sort of creepy, although the facial expressoina could also
be changed. instead of clenched teeth Seb could open his open mouth to look like he's

This would make a really good
poster if Seb ever wanted to go into
opera singing, although again the
lighting could be better.As in, letting more
ambiant lighting in.

This photo looks a little scary, but i think
the flash was a little too bright, so to fix
this we turn up the aperture.

This is using the flash to Sophie's left.
This photo is perfect except the one thing that
is worng with all of them; the ambiant light.

This is using side lighting, which went well.
i have no critizism for this 

This photo had a silly pose to it, but the
objective was to light from underneath
Sophie, so we have a happy/evil Sophie.

This is the one that we got right, becuase the ambiant light is the correct level same as the flash light. Although it is a little blurry.

If you haven't caught the message yet, yes I neeed to use more ambiant light, and ask Sophie to do exactly what I want her to do, but I must also make sure that I describe what I want specificly. I enjoyed this lesson it has been a useful experience that I hope to use later in future projects.

This is one of two that i took of Seb, we put the flash
behind him, and it gave him this outline of red. It looks
really effective, personally I think it would look better
with even less ambiant light.

This photo is the same technique of
the one to the left, but this one looks heroic.

Health and Safety
The precautions we had to be aware of, are tripping on the long wire, dropping the battery, and and flashing the flash in the eyes of any surrounding people.