Saturday, 18 May 2013

'Go away Stalker Bird' and Earnley Butterfly Centre

This was an interesting photo shoot, my friend - Ria -  and I went to Earnley Butterfly centre. They have birds, butterflies, reptiles, ginuea pigs, rabbits and two donkeys.
This is Chucka, named by Ria.
Chucka seems to want to help Ria take a
picture, but in all truth he was nibbling
her camera.

As you'll soon find out for your selves, Chucka very much liked to follow Ria around.
This is Chucka and Ria together for the last time, we shortly
left after this photo.
Here, Ria is trying and failing to teach
Chucka not to bit or nibble.

Ria was the modern Snow White with this particular bird. Where as I kept getting the evil eye from one bird.
Before we left, of course we had a look round the rest of the centre. Here are just some of the photos I got.
This was favourite because of the pattern and the colours.
These were just a few of the many butterflies I captured moments of. Don't ask me all of their types because I have no idea.
This photo is slightly blurry and unfocused, I tried to use
pretty much anything that would stay still. But I just adore the
colours of this beauty.

I love the detail on this wing, I also find the transformation
incredible and fasinating.  

This is the donkey they had there, they had another, but he was a
minature donkey.

This is Ash, named by the pair of us. Although I was resting my
camera on the fence, this picture is still slightly blurry around Ash's
nose, this is because ginuea pigs don't really stay in one place for
very long at all. I should have used the action setting or 12 pictures
per second. 

This was Ria's favourite bunny whom she called pebbles.

This was my favourite bunny whom I called Rosa. 

This photo shoot was interesting and funny. The only trouble I had was getting Ria away from Chucka and the reptile section, and she had trouble dragging me away from the rabbits. We had no trouble with getting each other out of the butterfly room, because it was boiling, as it needs to be, to keep them alive for so long. I could refine these with a new editing technique I learnt recently.
Health and Safety
We washed our hands after every different speices, we brought our own hand sanitiser although there were a few dispensers there.

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