Jeffrey Wall, who prefers Jeff , has had these honours presented to him through the years: OC, RSA. He was born September 29, 1946and is a Canadian artist best known for his large-scale back-lit cibachrome photographs and art history writing. Wall has been a key figure in Vancouver's art scene since the early-1970s. Early in his career, he helped define the Vancouver School and he has published essays on the work of his colleagues and fellow Vancouverites Rodney Graham, Ken Lum and Ian Wallace. His photographic tableaux often take Vancouver's mixture of natural beauty, urban decay and postmodern and industrial featurelessness as their backdrop.
These two pieces are very much alike, that is because Wall took inspiration from it, both look rather hectic. Although there are no people in the left image there are certain simularities, the bed for example, and the wrecked room.
In this image is cluttered room, filled with a bed, various pieces of clothes, a draw/cuboard, broken window and door etc. Everything has been broken and isn't usable, but other than that, there isn't anything happening in the image. examining the clothes, the photo has been taken in a room or studio set. I would have to date this picture very roughly at 1960's-70's, it also seems to be summer according to the clothes, they also belong to a lady. The moment this photo is clear, there are a few possiblilites: after a robbery, after a very angered woman or gentleman tore the place up, or someone had a serious fight. The focal point would be the bed. The image uses natural and artifical lighting.
These do pretty much the same as above, just different sets. They are similar because of the guy in both, the lady is behind a bar, there is a mirror behind this lady.
This image doesn't really interrest me much. In it is a lady and gentleman, the lady looks bored and expectant, the gentleman seems to be waiting. This is some sort shop or studio that has been made a shell, from the way the two people are dressed and the camera they have used I would think this photo was taken around 1878-1929, but in that time colour photos weren't avaliable, so the models' fashion and the camera are intended, so to be honest, I can't place a date on this image. The main focal point is the lady, although there are many: the camera, the gentleman, the lights. Well firstly, in whatever date this photo was taken they didn't have health and safety or they don't bother sticking to the rules, secondly, the image uses unity, where the lady, the camera amd the gentleman are sort of at equal distances apart. The lighting seems to be only ambient, the light bulbs we see are the only lighting, I think, becuase there is no natural light through the windows because it's night and dark.